S ustainable development is a process for meeting human development goals without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This catalogue includes several ICT solutions, fully operational, grouped around the following axes:

  1. Environment

Solutions for the use and conservation of natural and energy resources, focusing on the sustainable management of these, contamination, sustainable construction, green spaces, energy efficiency, lighting and environmental protection in a manner that impacts on people’s quality of life.

Browse ICT solutions for Sustainability on Environment.

  1. Mobility

Solutions related to transport and use of ICT as it offers accessibility and intelligent systems for sustainable transport.

Browse ICT solutions for Sustainability on Mobility.

  1. Quality of life

Solutions for the sustainability of people’s quality of life, including important areas like health, personal safety, privacy, social cohesion, education, cultural facilities, the quality of living spaces and tourism.

Browse ICT solutions for Sustainability on Quality of Life.

  1. People

Solutions to support the involvement of human and social capital in the development of the activities in a city, such as a person’s knowledge and degree of involvement in community life, social and ethnic pluralism, social relationships, flexibility, creativity, opening the mind and learning.

Browse ICT solutions for Sustainability on People.

  1. Economy

Development of the economy from the perspective of competitiveness (entrepreneurship, productivity, innovation, flexibility of the labor market , capacity for change and the business brand).

Browse ICT solutions for Sustainability on Economy.

  1. Governance

Citizen participation in decision making through the use of ICT, management of natural resources and public and social services, political strategies and transparent functioning in the city.

Browse ICT solutions for  Sustainability on Governance.

Soluciones TIC para un futuro sostenible