ICT Solutions for the Connected Industry

Checking Plan

CheckingPlan works as a CRM for the Operations Department and staff in movement, with geolocation and the manage of sale opportunities.

The Checking Plan Solution allows you to design tasks and forms associated with these tags, schedule them on an agend, relate to customers, assigning staff, with the possibility to synchronize with Smartphones via an own App and / or email and it will allow the worker to collect all information generated and to have the most important information to perform each task properly. The task is automatically registered without paper, in the customer file.

In addition, ChekingPlan offers you the possibility to distinguish between potential customers and customers, manage sales opportunities and projects, designing different phases and stages of the project, where technicians will be able to allocate tasks.


Technologies and key concepts:

  • Smartphones and PDAs
  • Cloud services and storage


Client references:

1. Clece (Facility Services)

2. Ferrovial (Facility Services)

3. Valoriza (Facility Services)

4. Hospital de Parla

5. Museo del Prado

6. Limpiezas la Fuente

7. Thaler

8. Mairaga

9. ICM (Informática Comunidad de Madrid) para Inspectores de la DGIEM (Dirección General de Industria Energía y Minas de la Comunidad de Madrid)

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