ICT Solutions for the Connected Industry


Cleantec is a dedicated software for the management, planning and monitoring general services (cleaning, maintenance, …) in public spaces and buildings, usually hospitals, airports, or other major infrastructures, allowing the capture of data from PDAs or sensors monitoring, services configuration and their corresponding performances indicators or KPIs. It will provide to the Manager all the available information through the web environment solution (Cleantec / web), incorporating the main office module – BackOffice (Cleantec / Server), an automation Business Intelligence reporting results.

Cleantec offers a great variety of options to classify information in order to facilitate the understanding and further analysis.


Technologies and key concepts:

  • Smartphones and PDAs
  • Cloud services and storage


Client references:

1. Clece (Facility Services)

2. Ferrovial (Facility Services)

3. Thaler

4. ICM (Informática Comunidad de Madrid) para Inspectores de la DGIEM (Dirección General de Industria Energía y Minas de la Comunidad de Madrid)

Additional information:
