ICT Solutions for Sustainability


Software asset management, infrastructure, general services and maintenance.
Application assets / equipment / services, facilities and construction elements with control of all processes performed on them.

Mansis XXI as Management system facilitates decision making by allowing the administrator is able to plan the activity and keep track of it. For it has updated and easily accessible assets to maintain information and resources available in the organization.
In addition Mansis XXI:

  • Lets unite in one tool all assets and the entire estate of the corporation or entity (street furniture, infrastructure, facilities, buildings)
  • Allows full control over the concessionary companies (parks and gardens, infrastructure maintenance, cleaning, etc.) and then to troubleshooting, preventive maintenance and contract enforcement.
  • Allows for overseeing public services that depend directly on the entity.
  • Connection and integration with enterprise software
  • Allows full traceability of all operations performed on the system, providing information necessary for the technical administrator and perform their daily activities. Mansis XXI comprehensively manages the material resources (Material, warehouses, etc.), technical resources (equipment, tools, etc.) and human resources (activity, time, etc.)


Tehnologies and key concepts:

Mansis XXI is a web application whose architecture consists of:

    • Java J2SE 6.0 platform – J2EE 1.5.
    • Thin Client on HTML and Javascript.
    • Independence of database management JDBC and Hibernate persistence.
    • Independence directory through LDAP v3 protocol. ACEGI security control.
    • Design based on components

In addition Mansis XXI:

  • Integrated systems with all corporate entity
  • A Complete Solution: Modular + Management + Implementation Support Service
  • Implemented a Comprehensive Plan, with migration of existing databases, integration with corporate software, parametrizacón systems, etc.


Client references:

  • Caja del Seguro Social de Panamá. (http://www.css.gob.pa/pro-mansis.html)
  • Universidad de Vigo
  • Servicio Gallego de Salud
  • Hospital Universitario de Son Espases y Area Sanitaria de Ibiza
  • Servicio Sanitario Andaluz
  • Salud Castilla y León
  • Salud Comunidad de Madrid
  • Cuerpo de Bomberos de Panama
  • Chile. Nuevo Hospital de Antofagasta.
  • Hospital Universitario de Burgos

Additional information: